Tuesday 30 November 2010

Der Volkscomputer (II)


After WWII, once French automotive industry got rid from the German occupation authorities, they followed the Volkswagen concept.

Citroën launched its 2CV model, based on the same principles as the Volkswagen Beetle. It went even a bit further in its austerity. For example, it got just one headlight, for pure cost savings and simplicity. As the Germans in the 1930s, France after 1945 was in badly need for economical recovery.

If iPads or iPhones are the leading concept, the Volkswagen of our times, we guess we could say Citroën’s 2CV follow as the Androids came after the iPhones…



1 comment:

  1. By that token, Android should be renamed as "Cyclop"; the single headlamp of the 2CV being comparable to the single eye of the mythical giant.
    Don't you think the 2CV design was rather dangerous for night-time motorists? I mean someone driving up from the opposite direction on a dark night could mistake the single headlamp as a 2-wheeler, and accidents could happen.
